Blogger Unofficial FAQ blog

The blog formerly known as Blogger archive/template troubles, featuring
fixes for problems with Blogger's archives, templates, and more

Archives - Custom Javascript

If you are using Javascript to include your archive links in the main page (or are willing to switch), you might want to try out my new archive script generator, which gives you the choice of newest links first or oldest first; a select (dropdown) menu, list of links, or the four links closest to the current page (newest four for the main page, two newer and two older for an archive page) with a link to show all the archives; your choice of various date formats (including one date or both for weekly archives); and optional text or html to add before or after each link.

Special bonus: it's less complicated to use than it is to explain: click a few radio buttons, pick a format from a select list, and then copy and paste, and you've got custom archive links.

Templates - Adding your blog to an existing page

Kate's How to Add Your Blog to an Existing Page, in Eight Easy Steps:

  1. Click on "Template" (across the top of the screen when you're editing your blog).
  2. Copy the code in your current template (and your archive template, under "Archive") and paste it into a text file. Save it somewhere safe in case you run into problems.
  3. Copy the code for your current page. Paste it into Blogger. (Don't forget to update your archive template, if necessary.)
  4. Add the Blogger tags where you want to posts to appear (use your old template as a model).
  5. Save your template by clicking on the button at the bottom of the text area.
  6. Publish.
  7. Look at the updated blog. Do you like it? If so, republish your archives, too. If not, replace the new code with your backed-up old template.
  8. Let us know if you run into problems along the way--error messages, template comes out wrong (give URL and the template code), etc.